It’s been on your mind for some time. You’ve learned the basics of sailing, safety at sea and maneuvers, but are you capable of being THE official skipper of a sailing boat? That’s a big responsibility for you and your crew. And then, one fine day, the opportunity presents itself and it’s the big leap! You’re going to be the skipper on board the next boat! As with any first time, your pride is bound to be mixed with a little apprehension!
Here are a few lines of advice based on our personal experience and customer feedback from their first charter as a skipper.
Choose a suitable charter boat for your first experience. The larger the boat and the higher the freeboard, the more stressful the maneuvers in port or at anchor will be, with a lot of wind and drift. For your first charter without a skipper, we recommend a yacht of no more than 25 to 35 feet. Opt for a fairly recent boat, and if possible one that you’ve sailed before, so you’ll have a better reference.
For your first charter as a skipper, you are certain to get exactly what you’re looking for from GlobeSailor’s huge range of available boats. Book a boat under 35 feet with GlobeSailor.
Make sure you have at least one or two operational team members. For your first navigation as a skipper, we recommend that you choose at least one or two competent and versatile crew members, who will be able to react quickly if the need arises and carry out the necessary maneuvers without you having to explain everything to them. They will also be able to take the helm while you take stock of the chart and will be able to give you good advice if you are in any doubt about the choice of route or a maneuver.

Getting started and taking stock: It’s also crucial to choose your charter company or agency carefully when booking your yacht. The maintenance of the boat, the sails, and the correct operation of the engine are all crucial if you are to sail with peace of mind and avoid unpleasant surprises. Take the necessary time with the base manager to get to grips with the boat. Find out about all the boat’s equipment, how it is stowed on board, and how the important items on board work: batteries, engine, holding tank, electronics, pumps, etc.
Choosing your destination and the weather: Choose a well-known sailing area, with familiar harbour entrances and exits. If this isn’t the case, take the time before you leave to study the nautical chart, the signs and the possible dangers. Ideally, you should even determine your sailing route in advance.
Likewise, study the weather forecast carefully before setting off, and we advise you to make your first trips as a skipper in a wind of less than 15 knots, which means that you could experience gusts of up to 20 knots perhaps. In stronger winds, don’t hesitate to take in a reef from the start and prepare the maneuver in port with your crew. If you arrive in an unfamiliar port with a current or a lot of wind, don’t hesitate to call the harbour master’s office to ask for a hand or advice on how to moor easily (VHF Channel 09)
We recommend Greece as a great destination for a first yacht charter as a skipper. As in the summer, the average wind is around 15-22 knots making it perfect for your first adventure as a skipper. Book your maiden sailing experience as a skipper on a yacht charter Greece

Communicate calmly and get your team members involved. There’s no better way to create a positive vibe on board your boat than to involve your crew. Give everyone a role and explain to them what they have to do and the rewards of the smooth running of the boat. After the safety briefing at the start, don’t hesitate to put someone at the helm while you leave the harbour and prepare to hoist the mainsail. A good skipper knows how to divide up the tasks on board and communicates educationally so that everyone feels useful and enjoys sailing. So don’t hesitate to delegate, and you’ll have more time to anticipate maneuvers and share your knowledge😊
Happy sailing to you all and congratulations on your new experience as a skipper, which will be consolidated mile after mile! Book your first yacht charter as a skipper today with GlobeSailor yacht charter!